6-Part Web Series Project Teams
HATE: What are YOU going to DO? is 6-part web series that explores the state of hate worldwide.

Created by students for students, each 45-minute virtual program will highlight student activities that promote tolerance and inclusion and will explore ways that each one of us can have a positive impact in our communities.
Episodes will feature interviews and discussions with political and civic leaders and special reports from our global youth reporters. Student activists and their efforts will be highlighted and viewing students will be encouraged to do their part in the battle against hate.
Event (Web Series) Production Team
MISSION: To execute the production of each program of the virtual series. Production includes feed, video roll-ins, graphics and social media interaction. Team will also
help design, develop and create the program studio.
LEAD: Tricia Raynard (TRG), Sean Waithe (TRG)
Show Team
MISSION: To storyboard each program. Responsibilities include:
- Secure the program guests
- Determine news assignments
- Script the program
- Secure all required visual aids
- Brief the program hosts.
- Assist in the design and development of the
program studio
LEAD: Tara Haggett (TRG), Doug Wicks (TRG), Tricia Raynard (TRG)
Student Reporter Team
MISSION: To recruit, liaison with, and deliver assignments to the worldwide network of student reporters. Responsibilities include:
- Recruit student reporters
- Assign news stories
- Assist student reporter with securing interviews
- Assist student reporter with the development of interview questions
- Work with student reporters to determine interview strategies, video, and audio equipment, post-production work
- Develop a timeline for each student to complete and submit assignments.
LEAD: Ellie Barkett (TRG), Tricia Raynard (TRG),
Media and Graphic Design Team
MISSION: To create and manage all required media products for the Foundation. This includes the website; the Virtual Institute web component and all outreach and promotional materials.
LEAD: Agnes Portalewska (TRG), Deb Martel (TRG),
Media Production Group
Reach/Promotion Team
MISSION: To promote via social media and other platforms the Team Harmony Foundation and its programs, particularly the virtual video series. The overriding goal is to build a worldwide viewing audience for the virtual video series.
LEAD: Kari Johnston (TRG); Luke Ryan (Coalition),
Public Relations Team
MISSION: To promote the Team Harmony Foundation and the virtual video series and Institute for Activism to media/press worldwide.
LEAD: Sandy Goldfarb @ Rasky Partners,
Youth Advisory Council Team
MISSION: To recruit, liaison with and deliver assignments to the worldwide network council members. Youth Council will be the key cornerstone to all Team Harmony created social media efforts/campaigns. Responsibilities include:
- Recruit students for the Youth Advisory Council
- Provide program updates to Council
- Schedule monthly meetings to discuss relevant topics and program ideas
- Work with Council members to promote the program via social media
- Work with Council members to develop social media campaigns that promote inclusion and respect
LEAD: Ellie Barkett (TRG), Kari Johnston (TRG),
Coalition Team
MISSION: To recruit, liaison with and make special requests to the worldwide network of coalition members. Responsibilities include:
- Recruit coalition members and secure their logo and point of contact.
- Work with members to promote the virtual program series to their respective networks
- Work with members to promote Team Harmony programs via their social media networks
- Determine how best to involve members in our program development
LEAD: Rick Rendon (TRG), Tricia Raynard (TRG),
Engagement & Communication Group
Tool Kit Team. ( Made up of Both Media Production & Engagement & Communications Groups)
MISSION: To research, develop and design a middle and high school “tool kit” of suggested activities students/teachers can undertake to promote tolerance and inclusion and combat hate in all its forms within their respective schools and communities. Responsibilities include:
- Work with coalition members to create an effective tool kit utilizing existing material
- Work with coalition members to determine how best to promote their materials
LEAD: Kit Cunningham (TRG), Generation Citizen,